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On a Caravan


Dr. Farid Fadel


Tel. 2362-5030 (Studio)



Artist's Statement



"Duo at Esna"
79cm x 99cm--framed
(click to enlarge)
9000 LE (US$ 1640)

For East and West to see eye-to-eye on the major global issues is almost next to impossible. Our goal, however, should be to get the two parties together and convince them to look through the same viewer. In my painting it is the viewer of a digital camera shared between a tourist and a temple guard. They seem to be engaged in fixating and admiring a detail high up on one of the far columns at the Esna Temple in Upper Egypt. I believe art, culture and sports will become more and more the arena where a positive interactive dialogue between East and West may be realized.


"The Lighthouse"

79cm x 99cm--framed
 (click to enlarge)

9000 LE (US$ 1640)

"A house of prayer for all nations", "the house of God", and "God's holy temple" are all fitting descriptions of this church. Having made it our home church, my family and I are so attached to this place where we have been spiritually fed for the last two decades. For me it is a house of light or even a "lighthouse" that lost ships should be able to spot from far away till they arrive safe ashore guided by its holy light. In the painting morning light hits the church building passing through the high trees on the right. This for me symbolizes God shining on us. We see however, a certain glow from the church in the shaded areas which may illustrate the church responding to God saying, "you are the light of the world, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven" (Matt 5:16).

To enquire about purchasing a painting, please contact email:  info@oncaravan.org