Maaike Draper-Albers
The Netherlands
"The Tree of Life"
3000 LE (US$ 500)
The tree of life, symbolizes the pathway to God. On the
left angel and Indian man, unity, love meets wisdom. Top
hole in tree Islam meets Christianity. On the right
white, symbolized by the demon reflects conflict. Far
right the laughter as it is so funny. Biggest hole in
the tree is the entrance to illusion. The two top small
white holes are our understanding, they are out of
balance, and thinking is paramount to feeling. The M is
the heart, the center of feelings. Both top white holes
are eyes. Smaller hole below is power and choice, also
the navel of a pregnant woman, stands for creation. Only
one pathway leads us above, the rest don’t. But there is
also a barrier we have to take, which is the black eye,
the eye that looks with judgment.
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