Hend Adnan
Artist's Statement
Art gives us an experience freed from the disturbing
conditions of actual life. An experience which is
removed more entirely from bodily physiological
accompaniment. Our experience has the purity, the
intensity, and the abstraction of a dream.
In Peace and with Compassion
Although the donkey is a peaceful animal to call someone
a donkey in many cultures means that person is an idiot.
But donkeys are not necessarily stupid, and possibly
quite intelligent, it has more to do with stubbornness
and not stupidity.
Polygamy has been practiced in most societies before
Islam, having more than one wife is more related to
animal's nature than human's. In Islam polygamy is
allowed, with conditions and specific limitations, a man
can have up to four wives at any one time. Some people
choose the four wives option and forget about the
conditions. Anyway this is what inspires me to
participate with my donkey. My donkey has his four
beautiful women, but being a donkey with hidden eyes,
and closed mouth, can he control them ..! Or do they
rule over him?!

Big Donkey:
Painted with acrylic and oil colors, accessories are
in copper, rope and leather.
55,200LE (US$8,000.00)
Women are human beings just like a man is. They deserve
to be treated well and with respect and therefore, he
doesn’t have the right to abuse them and to treat them
like objects. But a donkey is known as a stupid animal.

Small Donkey:
Small Donkey: Painted with golden and silver colors
over a warm deep orange color.
Women drawn in black fiber.
8,000LE (US$1,160.00)
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