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Ashraf Reda




Artist's Statement

I was delighted to hear about CARAVAN 2013’s theme – in peace and with compassion – and was even more excited about the choice of the symbol: “Donkey”.

The Donkey is very popular in Egypt, and is part of the day-to-day lives of many Egyptians in rural areas. The Donkey is also a prominent figure of the Egyptian culture, and even its arts. It was mentioned in numerous movies, songs and poetry as well, such as one of Ahmed Shawky’s poems. Moreover, many masterpieces of fine arts, such as famous Egyptian paintings and sculptures, portray Donkeys. Novelists were fond of Donkeys as well, with the great example of Tawfik Al Hakim’s novel; “حمار الحكيم” (Homar Al Hakim). The Donkey was also mentioned in the Holy Quran, as well as the Bible, in which a Donkey was part of the journey of the Holy Family. Hence, the Donkey is a symbol that is closely tied to Egypt’s arts and history, and is – in fact – a common factor bridging between Muslims and Christians.

In my artwork, I reflected my new art direction, “Egyptian Abstract”, onto the Donkey, using icons from the cosmopolitan culture of Egypt, which inherits a lot from the Pharaonic, Greek-Roman, Coptic, Islamic, Mediterranean, African and Arabian cultures altogether.

Using Arabic calligraphy in an abstract composition, the words “سلام” (peace) and “رحمة” (compassion) appear on the life size sculpture in colors inspired by Egypt. On the smaller sculpture, the design concept remains unchanged, and the calligraphy reads:

“لم ندر كيف إلى التسامى نهتدى، والأقوياء على الضعاف تجبروا”

(Never with exaltation shall we speak, so long as the strong overpower the weak)

The statue reflects abstract design elements inspired by Nubian and Bedouin art. The choice of the black color was made to match the weakness of the Donkey.

Nevertheless, we must always hope for a bright forward: in peace and with compassion...

Big Donkey:
34,500LE (US$5,000.00)


Small Donkey:
10,000LE (US$1,450.00)  sold


To enquire about purchasing a painting, please contact email:  info@oncaravan.org