Mariam Forham
Miriam Forham was born in Egypt and graduated in 1966
from the Faculty of Fine Arts (Sculpture department) at
Helwan University. She obtained here doctorate degree in
the philosophy of art in 2007. Today Marian is a
lecturer in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the sculpture
department in Luxor, South Valley University. A lot of
her work resides with individuals throughout the
world…Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Switzerland, etc.
She has participated in many exhibitions inside and
outside of Egypt. In 1996 she received the Oscar Award
for Excellence in Sculpture from the “Giza Association
for Artists and Writers”. Also in 1996 she was awared
the Gamel el Sigeny Award for Excellence in Sculpture.
Today Mariam is an active member in the Syndicate of
Plastic Arts in Egypt and also at the Cairo Atelier.
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