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Maaike Draper-Albers

The Netherlands

email: maaikepim@hotmail.com


Biography and Artist's Statement

Tensions of opposites

Maaike Draper-Albers began painting over twenty years ago. On seeing paintings of others she thought, "what would it be nice if I was also able to paint too. She started painting and has not stopped. In those twenty years she has gone through all the technics of painting. According to Maaike "Painting is an addiction. Also my old work is still precious to me. Paintings are my babies, it's hard to let them go." She paints flowers. Likes the shadows and rooftops.

At the moment she has turned into a more abstract way of painting. Four years ago she made an important discovery. People showed her the contents of her own paintings. Each painting tells us something about her own life. From that moment the paintings had an even greater significance for her.

In her paintings we find faces. After looking for a while some people appear. In unexpected places and at unexpected moments. Maaike herself calls this the "Game of the tension of opposites."

Many of the faces have a spiritual aura. Other faces are clearly representing ego. Also the 'Holy Spirit' appears in her work. The fight between those two leading to enligtenment.

Painting for Maaike is a way to find answers to life’s questions: "how do I get out of this turmoil?" Her answer: "Trust in God and life will turn out miraculously!" The inspiration comes just as the Spirit: what you need comes at unexpected moments. She wants to catch those gifts in her paintings. Creativity is not only up to her any more.

To be able to paint something valuable it must be the right time. The time must be ripe in order to listen to what creating can be. And look: “It is not what it seems to be!”


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