Finding one gallery owner, he showed his work
and was transported to elation by the owner’s
enthusiastic response. “He saw my sketches,
loved them, bought them and asked if I would put
on an exhibition.” Six more exhibitions followed
in the next two years. His continuous traveling,
has given him a broad exposure to the
international art scene, and has resulted in him
studying, teaching and exhibiting in galleries
around the world. Abla says that he has an
internal feeling that art is the key to bringing
cultural and environmental awareness to people.
He has an intense desire for expressing feeling
through his paintings.
Abla’s work focuses mainly on graphics and
oil painting. His current working space is on an
island in the Nile. It provides a quiet oasis
and main source of inspiration. The Nile and the
local Egyptian environment are prevailing themes
in Abla’s art, whether graphics, installation or
oil paintings.
Chronological Overview
1953- Born in
Mansoura, Egypt 1977-
Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in
Alexandria (Painting Section)/
he won the Grand
Prize at the Alexandria Biennale / won
First Prize in his first Solo Exhibition at the
Spanish Cultural Center, Cairo. 1978-79-
Took an Art and Study trip throughout Europe,
and had aSolo Exhibition at the “Hohmann
Gallery” in Walsrode, Germany 1980-82-
Studied Graphics & Sculpture in Switzerland and
Austria, and opened a studio in Zurich for
painting therapy/
held a series of exhibitions in Germany
1985-87- Had various exhibitions
in Germany / Won first prize in the competition
entitled “Cairo from the Artist’s Perspective.”
Awarded a scholarship to
study in Basel, Switzerland. 1989-
Exhibition at “Gallery Ewat,” Lewarden, The
Exhibition at Art Hall Orebro-Sweden, and at the
Egyptian Academy, Rome. 1992-
Exhibition for the Opening of Gallery
Cairo-Berlin, Germay. 1993-
Graphic Exhibition at A.U.C in Cairo/ “Grenchan
Graphic Triennials” Switzerland/ Mashrabia
Gallery, Cairo. 1994- Erection of
Sisyphus statue, at Walsrode, Germany / received
Heitland Scholarship, Lamspring, Germany /
exhibitions in Switzerland
1995- Video
Exhibition at El Hanager Cairo / Mashrabia
Gallery, Cairo. 1996-Cairo
Biennial – adjoined work / First Prize
Biennial-Kuwait / Gallery Hahmann, Hamburg,
1997- Grand
Prize, Biennial of Alexandria. 1998-
Exhibition “The Nile’’ at Goethe
Institute, Cairo/ Exhibited at Hart Gallery,
Carmel, California 1998- His 21st
October “Musafirkhan” studio burned down
and he lost most of his work 1999
Gallery Arabesque, Scenes from Vermont (scenes
from a 1998 visit)
2002 Zamalek
Art Gallery, “Conviviality--The Nile & the
Trees”, Cairo 2003---Havana
Biennele, Cuba 2004 Zamalek
Art Gallery, “Cairo…Portraits of a City”,
Cairo 2005 Zamalek Art Gallery,
“Nostalgia”, Cairo / Group Exhibition,
The British Museum, London/ Int’l Art Exhibition
in Muscat, Oman 2006 Professor at
International Art Academy, Salzburg, Austria /
Exhibition of “30 Years of his Art,” Gallery
Hohman , Germany. 2007--Exhibition
“Contemporary Egyptian Art” at the National
Museum of Modern Art, Bonn, Germany / Exhibited
in Occidentalism: The West as Seen by
Egyptian Artists, Espace Karim Francis,
Cairo 2008—Exhibited in Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Marseilles, France / Zamalek Art
Gallery, “Labyrinth,” Cairo, Egypt
2009—Egypt (Zamalek Art Gallery),
India, 2010—Bahrain. |