Roland Prime
Roland Prime is the curator of the visual arts
exhibition of the Caravan Festival of the Arts.
Roland pursued a degree in Fine Art at Canterbury Christ
Church College, England. Describing his art he says, “I
had always wanted to explore the many varieties of media
that there are in art.” Currently this is focused on
painting. But sculpture has always been a part of the
process. He recently used the dismantled historic organ
of St. John’s Church/Maadi, using those components to
produce a variety of pieces that ranged from a large
sculpture to lamps and even a table.
His paintings have been centered on the beauty of the
open deserts around Cairo and throughout Egypt. The
focal interest being where the sky and desert meet at
the horizon line and how atmosphere plays a big part in
how we see this.
More recently his work has been looking at the hidden
areas of Old Cairo, cityscapes, and what lays hidden
behind (i.e. such as the variety of pattern in metalwork
that is used to cover openings and the ancient skill
that was used to create these screens). This culminated
in an exhibition at the Portrait Gallery in Downtown
Having now been in Cairo for over five years, Roland
has been able to be involved in workshops run by artist
Mohamed Abla in Fayoum and another Painting Symposium in
Fustat, Cairo. Both involved international and Egyptian
artists where the participants are encourage toward a
dialogue of exchange of ideas. Since being in Cairo he
has been exhibiting on a regular basis either in Maadi
or downtown at the Portrait Gallery. He was also the
facilitator for and participating artist in the
inaugural exhibition On A Caravan—East and West
Journeying Together Through the Arts.