Born in Menouf, Egypt
Education (Medical)
1974, Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of
Surgery, Cairo University, Egypt
1985, General Medicine Course, Hammersmith
Hospital, London, UK
1986, Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
London School of Tropical Medicine, UK
1993, Certificate in Hospital Management and
Administrations, University of California,
School of Public Health, USA
Medical Positions Held
1975 – 1976, House Officer, Cairo University
1976 – 1979, Medical Officer, Military Medical
Units and Hospital of Egyptian Army
1979—1989, Resident Doctor, Harpur Memorial
Hospital, Menouf
1980—2000, Medical Director, Harpur Memorial
Hospital, Menouf
Education (Theological)
1999, Theological Studies by Correspondence,
Moore College, Sydney, Australia
2000, Practical training in Diocese of
Canterbury, Kent, UK
2000, Theological training at Nashotah House,
Wisconsin, USA
2006, Theological training at Trinity Episcopal
School for Ministry, Pennsylvania, USA
2006, Theological training at School of
Theology, Cambridge, UK
Ecclesiastical Positions Held
1979—1998, Lay Pastor, St. Mark’s Episcopal
Church, Menouf
1998—1999, Deacon of the Episcopal Church in
Egypt, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
1999—2000, Diocesan Administrator, Diocese of
1999—2000, Priest of the Episcopal Church in
Egypt, All Saint’s Cathedral, Cairo, Egypt
2000—Present, Bishop of the Diocese of Egypt
with North Africa and the Horn of Africa
2007—Present, President Bishop of the Province
of Jerusalem and the Middle East
Professional Memberships
Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene
2007—Present, Member of the Anglican Primates
2007—Present, Member of the Anglican
Consultative Council
2007—Present, Member of the Joint Standing
2008—Present, International Advisor to Sharing
of Ministries Abroad (SOMA)