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On a Caravan


Sylvia Davies


Tel. 019-256-7673


Artist's Statement


Street cafe

Balance and harmony; two men from different parts of the world read newspapers...focused on the same prosaic activity in the same space, prompting thought about how different we are and how common human interests bind us together.




"Street cafe"  SOLD
photograph framed--50x70cm
(click to enlarge)
1000 LE (US$ 180)


Shaft of Light
(on canvas or photographic paper, different sizes)
(click to enlarge)
Price available upon request


Additional entry - not shown at exhibition
(for website sale)


The most important element of any photograph is the light. The contrast of light and dark is paramount in any work. This photograph is a universal image and could represent spirituality to all denominations from East and West. Although the shaft of light penetrates the building it is a welcome addition and adds harmony where emptiness once was.


To enquire about purchasing a painting, please contact email:  info@oncaravan.org